All Miller products are now In Stock and Ready for Sale!
If you have a website, please list them immediately for sale.
All images and descriptions are available online. If you need assistance logging in to your account, please call or email us at 80-218-0104 or
If you are getting this email then you are already signed up for a Trademark Commerce account and all products listed on this site are available to you at Wholesale Prices. You can call to order or log in and place your own orders 24/7. With over 15,000 products, we encourage you take advantage of your FREE membership and purchase any of our products at wholesale prices.
Bulk orders are welcome and as always, there is no minimum quantity required. You can even order 1 item if you choose.
Also, if you list the product on your website, you do not need to pay for the product from us until you put your order in. You can call this order in or enter it yourself using your login. We will then blind ship the product and it will look like it was delivered from your business.
We appreciate your business and are here to assist you as needed.